Saturday, January 1, 2011

Collie Week 42

                        Collie WA
                        Week 42

Hello world. Cannot believe another week has passed, and for that matter another year.
This week has been monumental - we haven’t clicked the camera once. Nothing monumental to report as it has been an ordinary week as far as tourism has gone. We have hit golf balls here in Collie on green fairways and green putting surfaces. It was great, but for every plus , you must accept the minus, near 40 degrees in the shade.
Thanks for all of you who shared your new years resolution and to those who I am sure will comply when you return from gallivanting, or umbrella buying if you live in Queensland. Still time to make your goals official.
We spent a very quiet New Year, but we did manage to get in the Queensland one. If you factor the WA time zone, oops, we missed out.
Saw gnomesville yesterday on a tourist drive around Collie, the place where thousands of displaced gnomes get sent to retirement. There is a roundabout on the road and the surrounding park and bushland is surrounded by gnomes of every description. Great place for my brother Ken to visit with his left over Christmas gnomes.
Brian has officially stated we are on our way home, but we are backtracking to Perth first, so work out that logic if you can. Don’t get excited about an imminent return because it will probably take another twenty weeks or so to complete that journey. 
We heard the New Years Dance was short of men, so Brian has been cursing his lost opportunity to help out. I smile because I didn’t have to share.
Some trivia. Since we left home we have traveled 30 000 kms and spent $6700 on petrol and $7560 on caravan parks. Who said travel was cheap? But it has been worth every cent, believe us.
It is moving day today so we give you a cheery farewell for now and share with you our grandson’s first Christmas.
Have a great 2011 and keep those connections coming.
The Grandy Nomads

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nomads,

    Our new year resolutions are to lose weight. I have put on pretty much all the weight I lost for the wedding in the space of a month. I very much doubt I could zip up my dress now! Terrible! Love the photos of your grandson, he looks like he is a very bright little chappy.

    Our holidays were pretty good - not sure about the cruising? It was ok. I think if we went again it would only be to somewhere like Antarctica or Alaska. Too restrictive for our outdoor/nature loving tastes. However, Bon Jovi was AWESOME! Even Andrew enjoyed it though he didn't know a lot of their music. He is a real Rolling Stones fan so when they did a part of a Stones number (can't remember what it was now?) that was right up his alley! LOL. They did a good rendition too may I add. Brian should have went and seen them in Perth if he was that keen. They are getting on and may not tour again. You could see that they aren't spring chickens anymore.

    I'll post some holiday pics on Facebook in the next week or two..... Happy Travels and see you back here in 20 weeks????????


    Fat Princess
