Saturday, November 6, 2010

Busselton to Margaret River

                      Week 34 

                  Busselton to Margaret River

This week we have moved from a beach camp to a bush camp setting. It seems more like our old trip now we have moved from the city, but we are still close to centres where you can shop, shop, shop.

Trouble with this theory is the budget doesn’t stretch to a daily hammering. Luckily there are lots of walking choices. We can choose a cliff walk in the morning then move on to a forest walk after lunch.

Our park has a resident crazy kookaburra who think he has to attack windows, mirrors, hoses and electrical leads. He smashes into the sides of vans with ferocity, enough to daze and bust a beak. He really has to work hard to win back popularity.

The forest is dry, but we have come across pepperings of wildflowers, colour surrounding us. Purples and pinks, yellows and whites, oranges and reds. The coastal verges are also swathed with colour, but lower and muted, ready for the ravages of coastal winds.
We have frightened a poor snake basking in the midday sun, but it didn’t do my heart rate any favours either. I’d rather come across a frolicing whale anyday. At least the poor snake wasn’t lost. WA maps have not improved, or it may be the interpretation. Unless the track is a major one, don’t expect intersecting paths to be signposted.

Of course being in the Margaret River region, there are wineries galore, along with all forms of produce to tempt the tastebuds. Trouble is there is a Margaret River price tag pasted on these goodies. Don’t be surprised to pay $13 for a jam or sauce, so you have to reign in impulse buying.

There are a lot of caves to explore around here too, but we contented ourselves with walks near them, rather than through.

Driving through the countryside here is quite pleasant. Forests and fields predominate. The downside is busy roads, especially on weekends which are reasonably narrow for the volume of traffic.

We are still surviving erratic weather. There is enough sunshine to get out and about and explore. There can be a big difference in temperatures from one day to the next, nothing for the temperature to drop 15 in one day. Melbourne has the reputation for changeable weather, but this area could give them a run for their money.

There is a big influx of “locals” this weekend. There is a triathalon at Gracetown where we are and Anaconda has biking and canoeing at Augusta, our next destination in our south-west corner odyssey.
Oh nearly forgot. We have entered another phase of the technological revolution. We have reconnected with Skype again now our computer is a bit more capable. We gave up last trip with too many problems, so we are trying again. If you have a Skype connection let us know. It gives us more flexibility in keeping in touch than our happy hour on the mobile.

Once again have a good one. Drop us a line and keep us cheery.

The rambling Nomads.

1 comment:

  1. LOve the flowers you two. Sorry to have missed you when you were back in Cairns. We had every intention of going to that Sunday afternoon dance that you attended whilst home - we were lazy and didn't go at the last minute! That will teach us! Thanks so much for the gift too - you know our eccentric tastes very well obviously, LOL. 2 weeks today to the wedding, can't wait to go on our honeymoon. No work - YIPPEE!!
    Keep safe. Love the (almost) Newlyweds
